Refugee helper from bamberg honored in the state parliament

Refugee helper from Bamberg honored in the state parliament

On saturday, 1. October, state parliament president barbara stamm (CSU) invites around 1000 refugee supporters to munich. The reception is intended as a thank-you to the volunteers. But not all of them will accept the invitation – in protest against the state government’s asylum policy. Florim gashi from bamberg, on the other hand, didn’t throw the invitation in the wastepaper basket: the 41-year-old is going and wants to deliver a message there.

Why do you get so involved with refugees??
Florim gashi: there is a simple reason for this: i myself came to germany as a refugee from kosovo in 1992. I also have contacts with many people in the city. I see myself as a mediator between the refugees, the authorities and the doctors. It was always clear to me that I was helping people. That’s why I’m organizing the soccer tournament "together instead of against each other" together with the city’s migration advisory council, because sport is the best way to integrate people.

You are primarily involved in the reception center in upper franconia as a volunteer helper. How often are you there?
I spend more than 20 hours a week helping the people in the reception center. I am the contact person because I speak several languages. The ombudteam of the city of bamberg meets every friday on the gelande. The team does what should have been the task of the asylum social counseling service, which has only just been established.

You have a deep insight: what do you think is the main problem at the facility in bamberger osten??
The main problem? There are many problems. From the food supply to the beds to the deportation practice in the early morning. I have always said: please make it human. I have already experienced that it works. In the past, we have achieved that all refugees from the balkan states, who were distributed in the city, left voluntarily. This was only possible because I was able to explain it to the people concerned.

Many helpers want to stay away from the reception in the bavarian state parliament. They go despite criticism. Why?
Well, I am first of all happy, because it is a recognition from the side of the free state. So far we have not received any recognition at all. I would like to take this opportunity to convey a message in the form of a wish.

What do you want from politics??
There are so many refugee volunteers, but the government doesn’t take them into consideration. When i help someone who is sick and take them to the doctors, i wish that the state would show that it can also act humanely and rudely in the few humanitarian cases that occur.