Family is the center of their lives

Family is the center of their lives

The occasion for a rude family reunion was the 100. Jakobina doring’s birthday at memmelsdorf’s "seehofblick" retirement home, where their two children met with the two grandchildren and great-grandchildren to a happy celebration. District administrator johann kalb and mayor gerd schneider also offered their congratulations.
The jubilarian lived independently in the assisted living area of the facility until two years ago. Since her son otto and daughter theresia live abroad, the old lady regularly flew to spain for many years to visit her daughter there, and at the age of 80 she still took a computer course so that she could skype with her children and grandchildren. She still has a particularly close relationship with her granddaughter ivonne, who came from ansbach with her great-grandchildren emilio (1 year old) and lilly (3 years old).
Jakobina doring was born in bamberg as the youngest of four siblings and still goes by the nickname "bee". After her marriage in 1949 to the merchant valentin doring, whom she lovingly cared for until his death in 1998, the young family lived in bamberg in der langen strabe. Jakobina doring worked as a telephone operator for the post office when she was young and later as an interpreter for the americans because of her good language skills. To this day, she loves the english language, and was able to get her family through the difficult times of war thanks to her good relationships with high-ranking military officers. "Mom was always a grande dame, remembers her daughter theresia. "She dressed elegantly and wore hats, elaborate hairstyles and makeup." In addition to being articulate, jakobina doring was also very musical and didn’t mind learning to play the guitar at the age of 70. In 2001, she was one of the first tenants to move into the "assisted living" facility at the seehofblick retirement home, because independence has always been important to her. Keb