Smoke closure for the breitenbach-mitgenfeld fire department

Smoke closure for the breitenbach-mitgenfeld fire department

Firefighters aim to cause as little damage as possible during the firefight. A project of the bavarian chamber of insurance is also aimed at this: it is currently equipping numerous fire departments with a so-called mobile smoke seal. With this system, the fire departments can prevent smoke from spreading into buildings and causing damage.
Firefighters usually use the stairwell for firefighting operations in multi-story buildings. There is a danger that the necessary opening of doors will endanger the most important escape route for fleeing people due to the spread of smoke. With a mobile smoke closure, smoke-free stairwells can be ensured as a rescue route for self-rescue and rescue by others, smoke poisoning can be avoided, critical emergency situations can be defused and extensive property damage can be prevented.
Another advantage, according to the chamber of insurance, is that the danger posed to the players by possible flames when opening doors is significantly reduced.
Since 2008, the chamber of insurance has distributed more than 2700 mobile smoke detectors throughout bavaria, according to its own information. With a stick price of more than 450 euros, more than one million euros has already been invested in additional security.
Now a representative of the chamber of insurance also presented the two commanders of the breitenbach-mitgenfeld volunteer fire department with a mobile smoke trap. Second mayor karl ziegler from the municipality of oberleichtersbach thanked mrs. Seubert from the chamber of insurance for the generous donation and wished the commandant michael greger and his deputy holger borner many exercises, but few uses with the mobile smoke trap.