Koln hostage-taker might have been deported

Koln hostage-taker might have been deported

The hostage-taker from colonn central station might have been deported at an early stage of his stay in germany.

The federal office for migration and refugees (bamf) confirmed that a takeover request could have been sent to the czech republic within three months, as the man had entered germany via this country. According to the dublin agreement, an asylum application must be filed and processed in the eu country that the refugee reaches first.

However, the takeover request failed to materialize in this case. "The reasons why the deadline for submitting a takeover request could not be met in this individual case can no longer be understood after more than three and a half years," a bamf spokesman announced. The "kolner stadt-anzeiger" had reported about the missed possibility of a deportation.

Mohammed A. R. Had entered the schengen area on the basis of a schengen visa issued by the czech embassy in beirut, the bamf spokesman announced. A registration as asylum seeker in the czech republic had not taken place, however, according to available findings. The spokesman emphasized: "that a transfer to the czech republic would have taken place, if the request for transfer had been made in due time, cannot be assumed without further ado."In practice, even timely requests based on the dublin agreement have not always been successful.

The now 55-year-old had set fire to gasoline in a fast-food restaurant at coln’s main train station on monday, seriously injuring a 14-year-old female customer. He then took a pharmacy employee as a hostage, doused her with gasoline and tried to set her on fire. However, special police forces shot him down. Police believe the man actually wanted to carry out an even cruder attack with gas cartridges. The federal prosecutor’s office is examining whether the attack could have been an islamist terrorist attack.