The return of the wolves?!

The return of the wolves?!

Will lynx and wolf soon find each other in our region too?? This is not so far-fetched, emphasizes the nature conservation alliance. There are now 24 packs, six pairs and about 100 animals living in six federal states. A further expansion is quite possible.
"The 'problembar' bruno has shown that the return of the coarse predators leads to problems especially when we are surprised by them without concepts. That's why we want to take up this topic and discuss it.", franz zang, chairman of the BN district group, justifies an information offensive of the district association.
On saturday, 16. November, the experienced wildlife biologist peter christoph surth from swabia will give a lecture on the topic at the hammelburg parish center, followed by a Q&A session with interested parties. Surth knows the behavior of wolves and their natural habitats very well.
It is about questions such as: how do populations develop and what migration behavior do these "homecomers" show?? And: what adaptation shows the wolf to our cultural landscape?"

Learning to live with the wolf
Surth lives in buhl, swabia, but is often there with excursions on the road, where coarse prey is more common. From 1996 to 2003, he worked for the wildlife biology society in munich and for the "carpathian large carnivore project (CLCP)" worked in romania. There he researched the way of life of wolf, brown bear and the eurasian lynx.
Since then, through excursions and education, he has been teaching the public how to learn to live with wolves and lynx. For the wolf was and is again a part of the natural ecosystem.
This topic is not taken out of the air, because meanwhile 24 packs, six pairs and thus approximately 100 animals live in six federal states.
In bavaria, a steering group for "large carnivores" was set up by the hunting association (BJV), the nature conservation association (BN) and the state association for the protection of birds (LBV) worked together. The wildland foundation has been entrusted with the processing of compensation from the joint fund of the BJV, BN and LBV in bavaria.

100 kilometers in one night
How does a return of the large carnivores to our cultural landscape occur at all?? Since the opening of the political borders is not only a "green tape the fall of the wall from north to south also created the former migration routes of the animals from east to west are open again. And wolves are long-distance runners who can easily cover 100 kilometers in one night. Therefore, in the opinion of the BN, an appearance of wolfen in our region cannot be ruled out.
"It is therefore important to take up this topic now, and we are looking forward to the discussion that will follow the presentation," emphasizes BN district chairman franz zang .