Author: admin

New nursing department: the excavator jerks up at the kurstift

New nursing department: the excavator jerks up at the Kurstift

Since the construction plans for the new nursing department at the kurstift had to be reworked for cost reasons, the tree removal could not start in the spring as originally planned. Now there is a lot of activity in the garden of the retirement home, which some residents watch with interest from their balconies.

Excavators and trucks are busy removing the topsoil and storing it on the other side of the kurstift. When the new building with 16 single rooms is completed, part of it will be reclaimed for the garden design, explained architect bernd heinrich. He emphasizes the ecological idea and refers to the fenced-in magnolia, which is to remain standing. "We want to take away as little as possible."

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Special commitment and special characteristics are required

Training the members of a negotiation group (VG) are intensively trained police officers who carry out this task voluntarily and in addition to their actual duties (kerstin frank is an investigating officer).

Teamwork the negotiating team is a group of specially trained officers for special tasks. It is always used when people find themselves in an exceptional psychological situation. The VG also looks after the victims and their families and always works as a team. In the event of an operation, the specialists are called up from the services or alerted in their free time.

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Criticism of ancillary copyright also from within the union

Criticism of ancillary copyright also from within the union

"The performance protection law inhibits innovation. It doesn’t demand it," the CDU-affiliated association cnetz titled a contribution sharply criticizing the initiative of the black-yellow government coalition. A performance protection law must not affect the fundamental right to freedom of information or the right to freedom of opinion, demands the association for network policy, founded in april.

New laws to protect the rights of authors and artists had to reduce existing legal uncertainties on the internet, demand conservative net politicians. "There are considerable doubts as to whether this will be ensured by the draft legislation presented."Links to articles from media publishers and quotes from them had to remain free as a matter of principle. "All those who link to press articles also provide a service for press publishers, because they make their content better known."

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Data from analog staffelsteiner annals

Data from analog staffelsteiner annals

It’s a real pleasure to delve into old address and phone books. In the analog age, when data was not yet protected, it was easy to learn about his fellow human beings. About whether they were housemaid, widow, strabenmeister, oberlehrer or melkermeister. We have made this spab and the lichtenfels-staffelsteiner telephone book of 1950 as well as the staffelsteiner address book of 1957 and 1967 and the lichtenfels-staffelsteiner address book of 1971 durchgeblattert, which originate from the collection of walter mackert.

Let’s start with the yellow phone book. That cost one mark in 1950. A proud price for the 32-page dark booklet. Half a liter of beer in the pub cost between 50 and 60 pfennigs at the time. The monthly wage of a worker was between 125 and 260 marks.

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Intercropping – more than just an intercropping lottery ticket

Intercropping - more than just an intercropping lottery ticket

One year is still voluntary. From 2021, the cultivation of intercrops will also be compulsory in the district of kitzingen. This is what the new dung ordinance provides for. A certain uncertainty in the profession is therefore undeniable, confirms thomas karl from the office for agriculture, food and forestry (AELF) in kitzingen. But the insecurity is not necessary. The advantages, he said, far outweigh the disadvantages.

Konstantin rother agrees. Since 2017, the schwarzenau state farm has been a demonstration farm for the water framework directive. Sounds unwieldy, but it means that this is a particularly water-saving area of operation. "And this also includes the cultivation of catch crops," explains the administrator in charge of crop cultivation.

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The return of the wolves?!

The return of the wolves?!

Will lynx and wolf soon find each other in our region too?? This is not so far-fetched, emphasizes the nature conservation alliance. There are now 24 packs, six pairs and about 100 animals living in six federal states. A further expansion is quite possible.
"The 'problembar' bruno has shown that the return of the coarse predators leads to problems especially when we are surprised by them without concepts. That's why we want to take up this topic and discuss it.", franz zang, chairman of the BN district group, justifies an information offensive of the district association.
On saturday, 16. November, the experienced wildlife biologist peter christoph surth from swabia will give a lecture on the topic at the hammelburg parish center, followed by a Q&A session with interested parties. Surth knows the behavior of wolves and their natural habitats very well.
It is about questions such as: how do populations develop and what migration behavior do these "homecomers" show?? And: what adaptation shows the wolf to our cultural landscape?"

Learning to live with the wolf
Surth lives in buhl, swabia, but is often there with excursions on the road, where coarse prey is more common. From 1996 to 2003, he worked for the wildlife biology society in munich and for the "carpathian large carnivore project (CLCP)" worked in romania. There he researched the way of life of wolf, brown bear and the eurasian lynx.
Since then, through excursions and education, he has been teaching the public how to learn to live with wolves and lynx. For the wolf was and is again a part of the natural ecosystem.
This topic is not taken out of the air, because meanwhile 24 packs, six pairs and thus approximately 100 animals live in six federal states.
In bavaria, a steering group for "large carnivores" was set up by the hunting association (BJV), the nature conservation association (BN) and the state association for the protection of birds (LBV) worked together. The wildland foundation has been entrusted with the processing of compensation from the joint fund of the BJV, BN and LBV in bavaria.

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The earth house in glashutten is more effective than a passive house

The earth house in glashutten is more effective than a passive house

The driver of the low-loader was puzzled: he was supposed to deliver ten curved precast concrete parts, each one a meter and a half wide and weighing 16 tons. Right here, on the edge of glashutten, a little village of 1400 souls in the district of bayreuth. But where was the corresponding bridge construction site for this?? Werner leykam was able to enlighten the helpless searcher: he was spot on with his freight, but the carriers were destined for a residential building. What do you mean? Ten concrete giants for a family home?

Of course not for just any house. At this object, which stands like a mirage behind the abandoned restaurant "zum hirschen from the boschung rises, many things are unusual. It not only exceeds some building standards (and thus official requirements), but was also allowed to be unique in france.

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Smoke closure for the breitenbach-mitgenfeld fire department

Smoke closure for the breitenbach-mitgenfeld fire department

Firefighters aim to cause as little damage as possible during the firefight. A project of the bavarian chamber of insurance is also aimed at this: it is currently equipping numerous fire departments with a so-called mobile smoke seal. With this system, the fire departments can prevent smoke from spreading into buildings and causing damage.
Firefighters usually use the stairwell for firefighting operations in multi-story buildings. There is a danger that the necessary opening of doors will endanger the most important escape route for fleeing people due to the spread of smoke. With a mobile smoke closure, smoke-free stairwells can be ensured as a rescue route for self-rescue and rescue by others, smoke poisoning can be avoided, critical emergency situations can be defused and extensive property damage can be prevented.
Another advantage, according to the chamber of insurance, is that the danger posed to the players by possible flames when opening doors is significantly reduced.
Since 2008, the chamber of insurance has distributed more than 2700 mobile smoke detectors throughout bavaria, according to its own information. With a stick price of more than 450 euros, more than one million euros has already been invested in additional security.
Now a representative of the chamber of insurance also presented the two commanders of the breitenbach-mitgenfeld volunteer fire department with a mobile smoke trap. Second mayor karl ziegler from the municipality of oberleichtersbach thanked mrs. Seubert from the chamber of insurance for the generous donation and wished the commandant michael greger and his deputy holger borner many exercises, but few uses with the mobile smoke trap.

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E-loads tapped

E-loads tapped

More electromobility at the district office in forchheim – this is what the district council decided last year for the district office’s fleet of vehicles. The partial conversion of the vehicle fleet has now made it necessary for the charging infrastructure to be intelligently designed. Together with the municipal utility forchheim, district administrator hermann ulm (CSU) has now put the new charging columns into operation.

"For us, the conversion of the vehicle fleet by using our own electricity is not only economical, but also the right step towards locally emission-free mobility and a sign of climate protection", ulm said.

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“The whole village laughs at it”: no solution in the dispute over bird droppings in bavaria

The maypole of an allgau municipality leads to excessive bird droppings on the neighboring property? Because of a lawsuit filed by a resident against the municipality of altusried in bavaria, the kempten district court has been dealing with this question for months. But the proceedings have stalled: the court has so far been unable to find an expert to investigate the case in altusried.

Actually, a research institute had already named an expert for the investigation to the kempten district court months ago, a court spokesman said. In the end, however, the latter had stated that "as a matter of principle, he does not issue expert opinions". In response, the court asked again in mid-september to propose an expert – but until friday without a response from the research institute, said the court spokesman.

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